Monday, January 1, 2018

Meet the Musician Monday: Violinist Timothy Macek

Where did you grow up? Did you grow up in a musical family?

I grew up "here" - Springfield, VA. My family was not musical in the sense that my parents played or sang themselves, although my father could play the piano a bit, however they were devoted classical music fans and encouraged my brother and me to play instruments.

 What is your position in the orchestra and when did you join?

I am in the second violin section and I joined the Orchestra in 1986.

What has been your most memorable musical experience at KCOHO? 

I can’t really pinpoint one specific musical event above all others, but I look back especially fondly on the great German repertoire we played under Maestro Heinz Fricke - “Rosenkavalier”, “Electra”, Walküre, “Parsifal”, and many more. I also love the opportunity to play the complete Prokofiev ballets, “Romeo and Juliet" and “Cinderella”.

What made you decide to play violin (at first and professionally) and where did you do your musical studies?

When I was about 8 years old, my family went to a Hungarian restaurant in Fairfax where they had an amazing gypsy violinist. I was transfixed and always pestered my parents to go back whenever we were deciding where to eat out. By the time I was finishing high school, it was my primary interest.

Do you hold any other positions outside of the orchestra? 

I am on the faculty at Howard University, where I teach violin and viola, and also conduct the Howard Orchestra.

Do you have any "hobbies" outside of music?

Considering how little time I get to go skiing, I spend way to much time thinking about it and planning trips!

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